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Gambling on Love Page 10
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Page 10
He pulled the rifle from its boot. He walked slowly into the cave and then disappeared from sight. The minutes seemed to crawl by as she waited for him to return. A sudden gust of wind startled Buck into skittish prancing. She tightened her knees and turned in her toes, all the while clutching the reins in her fists. The rain grew heavier until she could barely see the entrance to the cave.
Then Evan emerged from the cave, and she sighed in relief. At that moment, a flash of lightning lit the sky. Thunder roared on its heels like a freight train. The horse reared, his hooves pawing at the air. Startled, Angel lost the reins. With a scream, she clung to the saddle horn and again squeezed her legs tighter around the animal’s belly, trying to keep her balance.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Evan drop the rifle and run toward her. Thunder rolled and echoed off the mountainside. The frightened horse reared again, twisting and gyrating under her. Angel slipped from the saddle and fell. She slammed into the ground, and her breath swooshed from her body. Darkness closed around her.
Evan saw the terrified horse rear. The animal pawed frantically at the air. The reins flew out of Angel’s hands and she grasped at the saddle horn. With her sore hand, she could not hang on for long. With a low curse, he dropped the rifle and dashed toward the horse. If one of the Buck’s hooves struck her, she wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell.
The wind buffeted him like he weighed nothing. He dodged Buck’s flying hooves and jumped for the reins. At that moment, another loud roar of thunder erupted from the sky. The maddened horse surged upward, and the reins flew loose. Knowing that Buck would bolt at any second, he lunged again for the reins. Angel’s scream sent shivers down his spine. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her slip from the saddle, her eyes as wide and full of fear as that of the animal. He dove forward, trying to catch her before she hit the ground.
His arms closed around empty air. She landed hard, her breath leaving her like a bullet leaving a gun barrel. Every bone in her slim body must surely be broken. With his heart in his throat, he knelt beside her and pulled her limp form into his arms. He pushed her hair back and saw blood oozing from a gash on her temple. The downpour of rain washed the red stream away. Thank God, it looked to be just a flesh wound. “Angel, Angel, speak to me.”
He cradled her head on his lap. If anything happened to her, it’d be his fault. He should never have left her to take care of Buck. He took a deep breath to still his trembling hands. With gentle fingers, he examined the back of her head. A large bump brought a grimace to his lips. His hands slipped downward and explored her shoulders, arms and legs, probing for broken bones. There didn’t appear to be any. She murmured, and he sighed in relief. Only then did he realize how afraid he’d been.
For her.
But why shouldn’t he be? He’d always taken care of his brother and his mother when she’d been alive. He took care of his ranch and the men who worked for him. And Mary. He was used to taking care of people. It was just something he did. It didn’t mean anything. Or did it?
Her eyelids fluttered open. “Oh, my head… What happened?”
“Buck threw you, but I think you’re all right. You don’t seem to have any broken bones.”
She tried to sit but groaned and slumped back against him. “Well, I may not have any broken bones, but I sure feel like someone’s taken a hickory stick to me.”
“Let me help you up.” He stood and helped her to her feet. “Let’s get you inside the cave and dried off. You’re shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. I don’t want you to catch pneumonia.”
She took a step forward, then cried out in pain. She stooped and grabbed her ankle. She turned ghost white and reached out to steady herself. He saw her teeter and caught her just in time. As he swept her up in his arms, she bit down on her bottom lip.
“You don’t have to do this. I can walk,” she said in a defiant voice as she wiped at her face.
“Sure you can.”
“Well, I can. I’m not usually such a baby.”
“That’s okay. It was a bad fall.” With giant strides, he carried her into the cave and gently seated her on a huge flat boulder. “Stay here. I’m going to get Buck.”
“Is he all right?” Her voice shook.
“Yeah. He’s okay.”
She burst into tears, great sobs wracking her body. “Poor Royal Flush, it’s all my fault. If only I’d been a better rider or—”
“It wasn’t your fault.” He knelt beside her and awkwardly patted her shoulder. “It just happened. There was nothing you could do.”
She stopped sobbing, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. “I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I am. Now stay there. I’ll get a fire started and get you dried off.” He left the cave and returned in a few minutes with the horse. The animal’s eyes were still as wild as they were earlier. He hobbled Buck in the corner and crooned soft words until the big gelding stood docile. He scooped up some dry grasses and rubbed Buck’s coat until it was dry.
A glance over his shoulder showed Angel’s pale face and pinched lips. As she clutched at her ankle, she trembled. Whether it was from fear or cold, he didn’t know. He gathered more dry leaves and bark and soon a fire burned brightly. The flames cast dancing shadows over the cave wall. From under the brim of his hat, he watched her. She still appeared to be in shock. He marched over and knelt by her. “Let me look at your ankle.”
She looked up at him, a blank stare frozen on her face. When he repeated his statement, she shook her head. Then, as if clearing her mind, she extended her foot. He pulled it into his lap and gently probed the swollen flesh. She winced, her mouth tightening into a grimace.
“It’s just sprained. No broken bones. That’s good.” As he moved her foot from his lap, his hands lingered on her satiny skin. He stood and walked over to his horse and retrieved his blanket. He pulled an old piece of cloth and a shirt from his saddle bag and draped it over his shoulder. He tore the cloth into strips and returned to kneel before her. He wound the strips tightly around her ankle for support. “That should help. Now get up. You’ve got to get out of those wet clothes.”
When she didn’t move, he wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. He reached down and grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to her feet, taking care not to hurt her ankle further. He unfastened the top button of her shirt.
Her eyelids fluttered open, and her lips pursed into a frown. She caught his hands. “What are you doing?”
He shoved her hands aside and undid another button. “You’ve got to get out of those wet clothes.”
She grabbed his hands again. “Stop it. I’ll do it.”
“Okay.” He spun on his heel and turned away. “Seems like I’ve been here and done this before.”
“Don’t remind me. All right. You can turn around now.”
He turned around. She stood there, looking adorable in his big shirt which hung to her knees. She limped over to the fire and spread the blanket. She eased herself down on the blanket, and her face scrunched up in pain. She pulled the shirt down as far as she could over her legs. She skimmed her wet hair back with both hands. The firelight danced over the smooth perfection of her skin.
With a low curse, he tore his gaze from her. He pulled his wet shirt off and tossed it over a nearby boulder. He flexed his tired muscles, then glanced up and saw her watching him. The look in her eyes was one of—desire? Quickly, she turned away.
Angel’s cheeks burned, and she looked away, ashamed that she’d been caught ogling him and astounded that she desired this man so intensely. He made no movement toward her, yet in that brief moment she’d felt him reach out to her. Every time he looked at her, she pictured herself being in his arms, bare skin to bare skin, her soft curves against his granite-hard body. A tingling warmth infused her body. She rose and moved away from the fire, all too obvious of her half-dressed state.
His shirt barely covered her knees. It smelled of horses and lea
ther. Her breasts suddenly seemed to have a mind of their own. The peaks hardened and strained against the soft fabric. She crossed her arms, covering the evidence of her desire. A part of her, a part she didn’t even know existed, wanted him to run to her and take her in his arms and do all the things to her that she’d only heard about—but never experienced.
He turned his back to her. The flickering firelight danced across the corded muscles of his back. She felt a tightness in her chest as she watched him don a dry shirt. Then he faced her, buttoning his shirt as he stared at her across the fire. Silence hung heavy between them, something akin to wariness—and awareness.
When he was done, he sauntered over to the fire and sat back on his haunches. “We lost the pack mule, as well as your mount. So we’ll just have to tighten our belts until we reach town. Or maybe I can go hunting in the morning and bag a rabbit or a deer.”
“No. Don’t leave me.” She hadn’t wanted to say that, but the words had come out quicker than a fox in a hen house.
He glanced at her, and she could see the concern in his eyes. “Okay, okay. I won’t.”
“I don’t want to be alone.”
“Okay. I’m not going anywhere right now. Are you still cold?”
“A little.”
He added more wood to the fire. An awkward silence settled over them. Only the soft crackling of twigs and grass could be heard. Finally, he broke the silence. “Look, you’ve had a rough day. Why don’t you try to get some rest?”
“I think I will.” She stretched out on the blanket and pulled it up to her chin. Her ankle throbbed like the beating of a drum. “What about you?”
“In a little while.”
A lump rose in her throat, and she swallowed hard. “You think they’re going to find us, don’t you? That’s why you won’t go to sleep.”
“That’s not what I think at all. So stop worrying.”
She nodded and closed her eyes. His presence calmed her fears. He was extremely strong and brave and able to take care of them. If only she were as capable, Royal Flush would still be alive.
Soon, her eyelids grew heavy. The events of the day took their toll, and she slipped into a merciful sleep. But it wasn’t restful—it was full of Indians and buffalo and terror—and Royal Flush falling to her death. Intermingled with those terrible visions was the face of her nightmare—the horrible man with the gun pointed at her mother. Deep within the realm of sleep, she shuddered. The dream hurt, and she fought to break free of it. But it wouldn’t release its hold on her. Time after time, she relived it—felt its sharp edges, felt the pain, the loss. The horse’s frightened whinnies echoed repeatedly in her mind until her head pounded. She heard screams, sending her tossing and turning.
“Angel, wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”
The familiar voice intruded into her mind, working its way into her consciousness, jerking her free of the terrible dream. She sat up and found Evan kneeling beside her. And found herself trembling. “What happened?”
“You started screaming and crying. Is it your ankle?”
“No.” She rubbed her forehead. “I remember now.” She forced the man’s image from her mind. “I was in the middle of the buffalo herd and Royal Flush kept falling, time after time, over and over again. I can still hear her—” Her voice broke, and tears trickled down her cheeks.
“Quit blaming yourself. There was nothing you could have done.” He sat down beside her and put his arm over her shoulder. “Don’t cry. I can handle stampeding buffalo, storms, and hostile Indians, but I can’t handle tears.”
“Oh, Evan, I’m sorry. About everything.” She leaned into him, drawing on his strength. “I didn’t mean to awaken you.”
“I wasn’t asleep. I was thinking about...things.”
“Things? You know, Evan”—she glanced up at him”—I just realized I don’t know anything about you, except that you’ve saved my life several times and, in return, I’ve treated you poorly. I should never have made that wager, but I really needed that money.” Oh, no, I shouldn’t have said that because he already thinks I stole his money. “But I thought you’d, well, just let it go.” She smiled wryly. “I was wrong.”
“I should have left it alone.”
Confused by his words, she studied the strange expression that flashed across his face. An unexpected rush of tenderness assailed her. After all, he had saved her life, once again, and she’d treated him abominably. She reached up and touched his face. He covered her hand with his own. To her surprise, he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. Liquid fire surged through her veins.
She shivered, and it wasn’t from the cold.
He pulled her closer, so close she could feel his breath fanning her face. Her heartbeat quickened. He touched her lips, and she trembled under his touch. He continued to feel her face as if he were a blind man and was committing her features to his memory. She wanted his kiss, she needed his kiss, she had to have his kiss. She lifted her mouth to his.
His hands framed her face as he covered her mouth with his. His tongue met hers in a frenzied mating. The magic of the moment mesmerized her, and she gave herself up to the exciting, exquisite sensual sensations he aroused in her. She met his lips with a demand of her own, with a need she didn’t know she possessed. With every bold thrust of her tongue against his, his big body tensed, and she sensed the growing need in him.
He lifted his mouth from hers, and she moaned in protest. Her protest died in her throat when he transferred his attention to the sensitive spot behind her ear. As he nibbled and tugged on her ear lobe, she wrapped her arms around him, brushing her breasts against him. Her body ached with her need. As his caresses grew warmer, her breath grew shorter.
His hands covered her breasts. His large work-roughened hands stroked the pearled tips, taking her breath and leaving her gasping. Slowly, he unbuttoned her shirt and lowered it over her shoulders and down to her waist. Embarrassed, she tried to cover herself, but he grabbed her hands. “No. Don’t hide yourself from me. I want to look at you. All of you. Oh, Angel, you’re so beautiful.”
Her embarrassment died as quickly as it had come. She wanted him to look at her and touch her. Everywhere. He lowered his mouth to her breasts, his teeth gently grazing the swollen buds. She arched back at the touch of his mouth on her fevered flesh. Every fiber in her body cried out in need, crying out for him, and only him.
Worry found its way into her passion-soaked mind. Would she please him? She’d never been with a man before. Would her inexperience cool his ardor? Her hands clenched in his dark hair, her fingers entwined in the thick locks. A spiraling hunger emanated from the center of her very core, and she moaned again.
“Angel, I want you so bad. My body burns for you, aches for you. I’ve thought of nothing else since I met you but holding you in my arms, having you in my bed. Tell me you want me too.”
She didn’t hesitate. She’d never been more sure of anything in her whole life. “Yes, yes. I want you.”
Evan lowered Angel back onto the blanket. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman than his Lady Gambler. Her flame-colored hair fanned out damply on the blanket, framing her heart-shaped face. Her fair skin gleamed like porcelain against the drab gray of the blanket. Her mouth parted as if waiting for his kisses, her eyes glazed with desire. Her breasts and their jutting peaks fueled his desire to new dizzying heights of passion. His gaze traveled down her body, across her flat belly to her thighs and long sleek legs, finally resting on the curly mound of hair covering her womanhood.
A warning bell sounded somewhere in the depths of his mind. If he wasn’t careful, he could totally lose himself in this woman. His desire for her could consume him. He could come to need her, and he refused to need anyone.
He lowered his head and kissed her again, long and hard, while his fingers teased over her breasts, over her stomach and to the center of her being. With the heel of his hand, he kneaded the soft mound, and she writhed under his touch.
The excited twisting of her soft body drove him crazy. When his fingers parted the silken folds, she tried to pull away.
“I’m not going to hurt you. Open yourself to me.”
She relaxed, her legs spreading open, like a flower to the sun. He found her sensitive bud and stroked it. She gasped, and he covered her mouth with kisses. Knowing he needed her, and soon, he stood and removed his pants, noting with satisfaction as her gaze locked on his swollen manhood. He wanted her to look at him, as he had looked at her.
He lowered himself atop her and eased her legs apart with his knee. He positioned himself and plunged deep within her. Shock coursed through him as the thin membrane covering her womanhood stretched and tore. My God, she was untouched. He absorbed her cry of pain with his mouth, stilling his body as her body sought to adjust to him.
Elation spread through him like wildfire. A fierce sense of possession, of being the first, overwhelmed him. He’d just assumed that since she was a riverboat gambler that she’d—but he’d been wrong. He began to move within her. “I can wait no longer. You have set me on fire.”
Her body tightened around him, sheathing him in sweet satin. She arched her hips in answer to his slow, deliberate thrusts. He climbed higher and higher toward the pinnacle of complete bliss. From Angel’s ragged breathing, he knew she climbed with him. Her answering hunger drove him on. Her body was perfect, fitting his as no woman’s had done before. She wrapped her legs around him, meeting every thrust of his body with equal abandon. Then she called his name, her body quivering and pulsing around him. Spiraling need erupted and with one final thrust, he reached that pinnacle of pleasure and spilled his seed inside her.
As he moved from her, his arms slipped around her. He gathered her to him, and Angel could feel the pounding of his heart. It raced as hers did. Entwined, they lay there, basking in the afterglow of their passion. She felt sated. Complete. Whole. Now she understood what Eleeza meant. This joining, this union of one person with another, was earth-shattering.
And she liked it.